Charlie McCarthy & Marilyn Monroe - 1952 |
In 1952 Marilyn Monroe was "engaged" to Charlie McCarthy. Marilyn would marry just about anyone in
those days!
Arthur Godfrey |
In 1953, Julius LaRosa was a regular on The Arthur Godfrey show. Godfrey was, at that time, one
of the most popular entertainers on tv. Godfrey decided that all this regulars take ballet lessons (good grief)! After Larosa
missed a lesson, he was yanked from the next day's program. An Angry Larosa then hired an agent which infuriated Godfrey.
Soon after, following LaRosa's performance of the song "Manhattan", Godfrey fired the young singer on the air, saying that
the tune LaRosa sang was his "swan song". LaRosa didn't know he was fired; he didn't know what swan song meant. The public
sided with Larosa (he recieved much more fan mail than Godfrey), and thus began the decline of Arthur Godfrey. Hear
Larosa's dismissal by clicking the audio below.
Julius LaRosa |
A message from Capt. Midnight in 1954 |
Always listen to Captian Midnight. Above all, buy the products he advertises. If you do, maybe you
too can fly around in an airplane wearing those funny looking goggles.
Mike Wallace for Fluffo! 1955 |
It's hard to believe that the man who struck terror in the hearts of many a crooked businessman and
politician on "60 Minutes" started off by selling something called "Fluffo"! Oh well, ya gotta start somewhere...
Bert Parks |
You won't believe the idiotic answer a Miss America contestant gave in reply to a question from
host Bert Parks in 1958. I hope she didn't win. She probably went into congress or something.